Friday, May 15, 2009

sneak peek into my upcoming book

can't reveal much because much is still draft...

Catalyzing Renaissance - Scientific criticism of an absurd world

Of late, mankind has witnessed remarkable technological progress which the world of science and engineering has enabled, maybe as exemplified best by CERN's LHC. Yet, regardless of country and perhaps almost all over the world, due in part to the unfortunate intrinsic dirtiness in the interplay of largely international but sometimes even national wealth, power and politics, and due also to the contemporary decadence and subterfuge implicit in the most vital subject of international macro economics, a decade into the new millennium has not really produced anything in the way of ideology or governance about which the few surviving intellectuals of the world can be proud about.
Of course, the World as we know it hardly bears any semblance to any of the various kinds of Utopias promised infinitely many times by possessors of by now bleakly remembered or unknown faces, in decades long since passed. But that's not all; having been hopelessly betrayed by political deceit, the unchecked greed of the rich and a non utilitarian, 'capitalistic' and commercially driven logic system which incidentally does not happen to encourage development efforts into late blooming alternate energy technologies, the youth of today now belong to perhaps the first of the generations of men and women for whom crude oil as a means to the ends of food, travel or cheap energy will get shockingly rare in a decade or two - mankind's materialistic and affluent way of life and erstwhile indiscriminate growth seems ready to undergo a downshift in gears. Although the fabulous science fiction concept of time travel remains an object of fantasy, for the seemingly independent nations of the world, the future seems to hold not the promise of a supranational humanitarian one world in which hegemony, intentional inequality or fear were things of the past - much to the contrary, national borders seem threatened by pernicious and ruthless plans for world domination, an agenda backed by powerful oligarchical moneyed interests, as the all powerful Big brother state typified in George Orwell's 1984 marches closer and closer as we make our way further into the new millennium. To most cursory examinations, the state of the world doesn’t look too much like dystopia either - until one takes a closer look. The scourge of genocide still presides in Darfur in Sudan and the cause is more or less the same as it always was and will be unless we herald a marked change in the motivations of systemically ingrained mortal greed - energy resources, in particular, oil reserves. Keeping in mind the Iraq oil war, the other American military convulsions around the middle east and the thirty two oil wars out of the thirty two wars in Africa in the recent past, if the world isn't running out of oil, it's surely acting as if it were. Malfeasance, many a times hidden in subterfuge or even bold and blatant, on part of both corporate and authoritarian governing high offices, are the norm rather than the exception. More often than not, the euphemism Corporate Social Responsibility is a perfunctory and deliberately misleading parody of itself chalked out mostly to effect the realization of vested interests, with several critics routinely lampooning its profit based motivations. Sectarianism and religious fervor, sometimes intentionally stoked with imperial purposes, are on the rise in several parts of the planet, including India and large parts of Asia. Typifying the ridiculous concept of a supernatural god who is endowed with powers to absolve sin, religion is rejuvenated wherever the scope to divide people and rule them exists, and enjoys a resurgence in popularity like a phoenix rising from the ashes, with new variants like Scientology and kabbalah on the march - greater significance is attached to the concept in modern times than even a couple of decades ago, squeezing out vital mainstream space for a humane and humanitarian approach to the issue of faith. Under a million Iraqis have been killed so far as Iraq is roughed up due to Imperial energy motivations for 6 odd years, not to mention the years of sanctions and no fly zones after the costly first gulf war - the United Nations, an impotent window decoration which is in effect the puppet of imperial powers, condones the aggression, indeed much like a god absolving sin. An skewed international 'law' keeping body forged and annealed in the victor’s favor ever since the victor set the ball rolling after the last world war, probably in a nuclear catalyzed manner to ensure hasty and uninformed compliance, the UN upholds a definition of international justice which is wholly subjective, the kind of justice meant to serve the stronger nation against the weaker one, with rules defined and regulated by the powerful. Meanwhile, modern monarchs sit in over sized thrones in the Coalitionary provisional authority office in Iraq - plausibly set to leave once all the easily extricable oil is done with. The American tax payer pays for the economically albeit not ideologically justifiable business of a bloody war - and the Iraqi taxpayer gears up to pay for the many years of debt which surely lie ahead, thanks to the surfeit of the far from free 'conditions apply' disclaimers laden generosities forcibly ladled out by 'allied' imperial corporations - in the way of rebuilding infrastructure which the people of Iraq undoubtedly need, especially after the original Iraqi infrastructure, painstakingly built by the industry of a few good men - erstwhile engineers and visionaries among Iraqis, is systematically and capriciously destroyed by an army of trigger happy 'coalition' soldiers and commercial mercenaries populated with a modernized variant of the rapacious semi clad axe wielding barbarian so common throughout man's history; Iraqi schools and offices are collaterally pounded to dust by new and experimental munitions promoted by a group of vain and agog evil clowns superciliously strutting around in highly decorated coats and ties. Elsewhere, the scene isn't very beautiful with conspicuous imperialism leaving a mark at G8 or G10 or G20, how many ever nations the circus in question entertains, alongside the murder of dissenters and non conformists. Reflecting rather bestial greed driven behavior, the world’s cut up symbolically, much like a buffalo corpse being cut apart by a pride of lions - with the biggest animal taking the lion’s share - not much of a difference between the current state of events and pre World War Colonialism and Imperialism. Training your eyes to the sky now reveals fewer stars than what I remember from just ten years back - the essentials for romance are progressively devastated by the consistently insecure pace of an unsagacious capitalistic progress, outdoing itself year after year in a race to pay off the debt of its own slavery to certain banking interests symbolic of the greed which defines the modern era, alongside perennial affronts to nature's beauty. Apart from being affiliated to a cabal of 'banking elites' backed by a thoughtless subservient corporate media, American presidents get more brash each year with successive presidents of modern times unfurling shocking and ideologically ever weaker surprises of the Vietnam war, the Gulf war, specious claims of weapons of mass destruction to justify murder, institutionalized and officially promoted yet unfair indenture, crude oil and resource pillage and new levels of protectionism hidden behind the veil of a skewed application of the contested term free trade. Economic power, resourcefulness and military might - and not intelligence, as would have been the case for a mankind which could reasonably harbor any hopes about a universal future worth talking about, are the parameters which are invariably used to define and gauge ‘fittest’ in the modern world - a pale, degenerate and unhealthy take on Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest. In the world’s superpower populated by masses progressively dulled by a form of consumerism which has no holds barred profiteering and not the greater good for the greater number at mind, children are indebted to the brain damaged political economic machine even before they’re born, to the extent that their birth certificates are stocks in the New York stock exchange. Forced upon them as a choice they don't have any role in and ensured by an erstwhile government in the name of rounding up easy votes, the institutionalized greed of the aging 'baby boomer' generation of Americans is blown out of ideological or even logical proportions. Rebelling in a futile manner against their eventual death, the rest of those of mankind who are aware of the peak oil concept and yet complicit in the great oil guzzling party march hand in hand in a shameful display of connivance against the men and women not yet born - pillaging the Earth of its 'privatized' oil resources and basking in the enlightenment brought upon by the fact they’ll be dead before all the crude oil runs out.
But while these are disturbing facts, these aren't the most disturbing facts by any stretch of the imagination on this erstwhile beautiful planet now cursed by the collectively ignominious threat of mankind's unchecked 'capitalistic' cycle of envy, debt and greed. Indeed, the most historically significant threats to the average humanoid's general happiness, disregarding the olden days when neanderthals used to be consumed by predators, now come in the form of a series of sinister and murderous, stunningly disguised and hopelessly inconspicuous plots which menacingly loom overhead much of mankind, like a Damocles sword poised to strike when the moment is right - a cunning subterfuge conspires unrelentingly towards its old fashioned, immature and rather ludicrous goal of world domination; a subterfuge which is of late too emboldened, far too close for comfort. A set of extremely secretive conspiracies which are indeed shockingly bold and vast in scale but not quite impossibly clever when one truly understands the means to, and nature of, the vast wealth of the many extremely rich usurers behind it. Conspiracies quite unbelievable, and borne of the inevitable sin one can expect of the high priests of money; the intentionally mystified human tool of money, which unfortunately placed its most unworthy self on an empty throne of god sometime not very long back when, because of the inevitable advent of the age of scientific truth, god was forcibly evicted from the throne, unfortunately to an extent, along with the inevitable collateral causalities of moral principles and human ontological seeking. An alternate history carved by brute wealth and power and different from what you've learnt at school, this is a revelation of the biggest secrets ever kept in mankind's history; a conspiracy as hard to believe as the universal conviction of its extremely high probability among the minority intelligent who took time out to analyze and discern the truths for themselves.
If the first renaissance was the cure for the dark ages, where superstition, false religion and tyranny kept the populace in the dark, a second renaissance is required now for these times are arguably darker still; for regardless of their nationality, most among even those who'd think of themselves as ideologically just and lucky enough to enjoy the benefits of education, are kept in the dark about the real state of the happenings in the planet by distractions, propaganda originating from an abominable menagerie of both fragmented and globally consolidated political and economic powers - propaganda which uses all kinds of media bombarding your senses at any given time as a vehicle, and other dangerously sedative propaganda in the form of the faith harped about by religion. The best example being the inability of any kind of 9/11 conspiracy theories, however objectively convincing, even surfacing in the American media, it's indeed a shocking fact that almost all the news one can see either in the TV or in the newspaper has been hijacked by the massive conspiracy briefly talked of above. Other distractions, what can be defined as self entrusted tools of denial, also make up parts of the pie, in the form of what are the relatively trivial and worldly details of circularly progressing occupations, pop culture in the form of Britney Spears’ next dance move and Paris Hilton’s next hairstyle etc. The strangely self assured and overwhelmingly numerous legion of this kind of people best described as educated fools are unquestioning tax paying wage slaves tethered to an asymmetrically biased economic machine primarily responsible for what are by now the clearly visible symptoms of the malaise that is the collective sum of individual greed - symptoms like vanishing ice caps, the twenty five thousand children who die everyday, the shrinking ozone layer, fast dwindling oil reserves, the many extinct species and the limpet like stickiness of misery and poverty; a capitalistic greed fueled malignancy that has run amok, defiling what used to be a beautiful planet; indeed, few of the cogs in the aimless but indomitable economic wheel stop to think about an overview of the injustice inflicted on the planet and its inhabitants, man or beast, when they 'persevere' to run their respective rat races. The root of the problem here is that the majority's thought processes rarely concern the overview, or macro perspective, for they, most often, trust those who in their hands hold the fate of humanity far too readily, and may be content limiting their thoughts to only the 'micro' perspective, or how they must persevere in their own lives; in doing so, they aid the very machine which subtly limits their hopes and help crush any of the much more modest hopes the less fortunate could have been harboring in their turn, as well as the conviction of the upright to effect a change for the better against an enemy far too powerful and wealthy to combat.
Fortified by extensive research into the most dangerous social, political and economic problems facing mankind right now, this book is written with the aim of introducing to the common man, a dissected and mutually exclusive overview of certain compelling but not incorrigible problems, problems which every socially responsible individual who claims to have a place for mankind's best interests in their hearts must at least know about; for we need only to stop and think of the poignancy of the situation when a child deprived of effective education and ravaged by the brutality of the economic machine, directly or indirectly, hangs on to hope with a saddening futility when he reaffirms his faith in the very same machine which is out to destroy him and his ilk in the name of worldly pleasures for a few elite - the most markedly venal of which sounds like a day trip to outer space. Pacified by an unverifiable and often unfounded trust on the goodness of mankind, often he is far too young and inexperienced to know about either the real state of affairs in the world or the inevitable, calculated and reasoned exile to poverty in store for him. The proponents and beneficiaries of the same machine may thoughtlessly reason that they have just one life on Earth, just like the child - and they would rather become space tourists for the fleeting momentary experience than utilize their wealth to try and cure the systematic evil upon which the greed fueled machine marches. The modern framework in which man is expected to make his fortune thus ends up being a laughable satire carved to the flimsy whims of some of the older and more influential among the well heeled and especially among those who got to their wealth and power not through hard work or intelligence but large scale usury and fraud, a clown parade without either shame or fear. Only the grim reaper with his omnipotent scythe levels the playing field after death - on the more worldly topic of life on earth however, it’s a shame that much of the human race, specifically those who hold in their hands the reins of mankind's destiny and also as a collective whole, is not yet intelligent enough to acknowledge the basics about fairness and virtue.

//>> The beginning of Book II is still in draft phase but has gotta be read...>>

The core reasons for the contemporary decadence - The Underlying issues

2.1 Usury, its modern omnipresence and its criminal nature
"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, a power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
-Woodrow Wilson, former president of the United States

Usury, or the profiteering out of money lent to someone in the form of interest, is a practice which is discouraged by every major religion. In the past, when England used to serve its people and before she was infiltrated and hijacked to serve the interests of the international bankers, the king of England had usury punished with death. The whole concept of usury and the justification behind it, based on the 'risk of lending' and sourcing off suspicion in man's nature, is ridiculous; Money is not supposed to work for you - you are supposed to work for money. The modern world's absurdity can be attributed primarily to the malignant political economic system which prevails worldwide, whereby all countries, however free they may appear at the outset, are in reality, collective sweatshops where puppet governments help a small international banking cartel fleece the hard earned money of the world's tax paying inhabitants, primary by a sort of incredulous sort of usury exerted over an arbitrary 'national debt', on money which the international bankers printed out of thin air - or a sort of interest on money which doesn't represent anything of value.
Before the world wars, for centuries together, international free trade used to be a rather equitable affair, interspersed only by occasional bouts of piracy and darkened only by the detestable practices of local colonialism and slavery. Throughout the independent nation states of the trading world, paper currencies, although still in use, had some objective value as they were 'gold backed'; in other words, if someone had some money stored in a bank and required to make a withdrawal, he could withdraw it either in gold or paper money; Equivalently, whether a country's currency was deemed to be unstable or not, whether because a bank's customer generally felt like it or due to some ill advised conflict which the king had gotten into, a customer had a right to give in his bank's paper notes and demand the equivalent of gold in exchange; indeed, paper currency was introduced solely due to the fact that bulging sacks of gold made a banker a ripe target for mugging and such logistical reasons of convenience.
But in the early 20th century, cataclysmic and sweeping changes were instituted by the banking elite, something quite indiscernible to the many unthinking masses, changes which have effectively changed the face of the planet altogether. America lost its financial independence with the establishment of the federal reserve in 1913 - then and there, the battle between the free spirit of the American constitution and a very wealthy and powerful imperial international alliance was finally lost and the plutocratic and evil emerged victorious over the free and good; the martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln turned out to be in vain. Soon after, in 1914, world war 1 followed, and the imperial alliance again sated its insatiable greed through the treaty of Versailles on a forlorn Germany. Detonated in late 1929, the great depression was next; through this act of economic warfare, the alliance, based in the corporation of London, consolidated its stranglehold on international finance. Soon after, in the early 1930s, the essential nature of money changed in a few months; Led into a new financial world order by the bank of England's Montagu Norman and supported by an England commandeered by plutocratic oligarchs, all the countries in the world, in a very short period of time, changed their currency from a gold backed one to a kind of totally different currency which has led on to the modern form of money; although the paper notes are the same, no longer can you redeem them for gold, because this kind of money is not gold but rather debt; a promise to pay the bearer. The modern world is in this financial system not because it is better for the cosmopolitan citizen, but rather because it has had no other choice; the alliance of international bankers has forced it with the aid of their abominable plutocracy. Whoever tried too boldly to question the alliance's greed has been coldly dispatched in assassinations.
The underlying macro economics is not very hard to understand at all, even for the layman, but to save me the effort of writing all that which has already been described very well, it behooves each civil and self aware man to watch a very intruiging video documentary about the truth of the modern monetary system, as many times as it takes to understand everything that has been said in it - it's freely available over the internet and is called Money as Debt. Suffice to say that an alliance of bankers, an international cabal based out of the corporation of London (a Vatican city like independent square mile of jurisdictional area within the city of London) has enslaved not just England but each tax paying wage slave on the planet; that's not all, their greed is insatiable; total world domination is what their goal is, something they're pushing for under the euphemism of a 'New World order', an oligarchical socialist one world government complete with all the absurdity a reader may have found in George Orwell's 1984. Financially though, the absurdity has already been inculcated into the system, however much your news station tells you otherwise.
Usury is the crime of which they have been guilty for the past three odd centuries. Printing money out of thin air, these bankers fleece interest on this money which they print, so it's not even usury in the traditional sense because this interest is charged nor on money which they have been allotted from a supreme truth or have worked for years for and neither the money which various customers have deposited - but rather, bank notes of only subjective value which they have printed in their own mint. Indeed, they multiply money within every country which they've infected with a 'Reserve bank' in complicity with local banks who are all too happy eating the pecuniary crumbs which the international cabal leaves to them, as is the case with all the cabal's adjunct organizations. This extremely illogical and extreme form of usury, subjected onto the peoples of almost every country in this world in complicity with local puppet governments on their payroll, enables the international bankers to fleece interest on a truly vast and global amount of subjectively defined money. The European Union's Euro gives the the European Central Bank the power to regulate the money supply of all states which join the EU. The Maastricht Treaty (article 107) forbids national governments and all other EU institutions to seek to influence the bankers who make up the ECB. For the first time in the history of Europe, this puts the usurers who print money totally beyond any form of democratic control or accountability.

2.2 The historical mischief of the Alliance of 'Elites'
“Our civilization survives in the complacency of cowardly or malignant minds - a sacrifice to the vanity of aging adolescents.” - Camus

We the people, for the elite cabal - A constitution hijacked
To understand the way America has been infected by a parasitic and secretive Order is to understand how most of the world has been infected to an extent, or will be soon if the current Political economic system is allowed to go on without repair, and especially if the 'New World order' is allowed to come through without resistance - some tools of total control are already in place, facets as innocuous as the World bank and IMF, the UN and questionable upcoming international standards like the Codex Alimentarius, which seeks to impose a monopoly on food; many obnoxious deals like RFID tags or microchip implants for all mankind can be heard rumbling in the large intestines of a certain 'elite'. This order is in essence an alliance of historically privileged dynasties who have been successful in carrying out a 'behind the scenes' agenda of using their wealth, influence and power to garner even more wealth, influence and power by means hardly fair and often base and despotic, through the last two centuries; in addition they may be arraigned in the court of innocence on charges of satisfying their whimsical and capricious vanities by directly trying out or at least encouraging nasty and bloody experiments like the World wars, the third Reich, the IMF and Stalin's socialist experiment. Due to their extremely secretive nature, large scale, high number of conniving conspirators and extreme power, the alliance has been the most successful subterfuge ever wrought on the people of the world, who are but mere wage slaves to it, has not been easy to expose, and enemies even as strong as the American president J.F.Kennedy have usually been dispatched with an ease typical of efforts backed by large sums of money. Various conspiracy theories, some of which date as old as the alliance itself, have tried, in futility, to expose the true machinations of this alliance, where they are referred to differently, with or without a measure of accuracy, with names of the whole or sub organizations as varied as the Illuminati, the Priory Scion, The Elders of Zion, Zionists, the Order of Skull and Bones, the CFR or the International bankers, among other identities; this alliance probably takes within its ranks, arguably with condescending superciliousness, whoever it judges to be a useful member; a glaring example of which is how JP Morgan, another component of the same alliance called in twelve influential American commercial media barons to his office one day, with the sole intention of sealing an understanding to hijack commercial media and commandeer it to make it a mouthpiece of the alliance, and also by how the CFR consists of several corporate heavyweights, and how 'worthy' new entrants are added once a while. The alliance itself has been quite secretive and hard to penetrate, given the extreme elitism and dynastic benefits, but with the emergence of the internet and the enlightenment it brings about, many of its secrets are out in the open - with the help of online sources, as opposed to the restricted information doled out by controlled media, I'll now attempt to lay bare some of my understandings about the alliance, referencing previous work by many including Tarpley and Kunz.
In all probability, the imperialist side of America is one not chosen by the people but rather a symptom of a greed related ailment whereby the country, not at the grassroots level but as a whole and collectively, is like an animated abomination, a construct which is the sum of its people, most not so ideologically bankrupt but the most essential nerve center, the brain, surely so - having been parasitically infected by the alliance comprising of international king making and banking dynasties and other allied moneyed interests who are given in to the love of indulgence in usury and a misuse of their stranglehold over what has evolved to be international macro economics, proudly undertaking convulsions in what is the pseudo science of finance, a human science which has been hijacked by the alliance's greed and politics for a while by now; These interests are dynastic and hence flawed, dynastic because they seemingly have not died out over two centuries - many within the alliance or its subservient fringe allies have historically been based especially in Wall street, New York and Thread needle street, London; America, as a result, serves some masters unseen and hidden from public view first and the people, second. Indeed, the alliance of international banking dynasties which has been controlling and deciding the fate of much of the world for the last two centuries or more, seems to have totally hijacked the American federal system, upturned the constitution and now uses America as an Imperial abomination, mostly for indulging their own venal interests - the looming threat on the horizon is their plan of effecting a 'New World Order', an oligarchic system with the greediest and the wealthiest dynasties which have been ruling throughout at the top, and the rest of humanity nothing more than mere subservient tools living in their own little worlds, destined to serve their venal interests.
The machinations of the American Federal reserve were decided clandestinely in Jekyll island, the property of alliance soldier J P Morgan, by several members of the alliance of usurers who for one, make life harder for everyone tethered to the monetary flow on the planet so that they themselves can profit astronomically without having to move as much as a leg; usurers who, by insisting that the money they obtain comes not through hard work or a novel application of the faculties of thought but rather by engaging in opportunistic activities of international financial unrest like engineering depressions by manipulating cycles of speculations and recessions in overseas markets, essentially whip money out of the hard working people of a planet given in to blind trust. The Federal reserve system abets the crime of inflation, in effect charging a hidden tax on the people by engaging in the very unconstitutional crime of legally counterfeiting money. In doing so, the Federal Reserve, a proxy for the alliance, undermines the value of the hard earned money which a wage slave has brought home by devaluing the dollar, for example, each time they print new notes. It's absurd as usual, when the government is the one carrying out the crime of counterfeiting in a wholly legalized manner through institutions like the Federal reserve, clones of which have, given the alliance's great power and influence, inevitably sprung up in every European country, undoubtedly with the complicity of the very same moneyed alliance which has generally been ruling over the wealth of the planet through the last two centuries or more.

The Great Depression and the World wars
The two World wars and the great depression between the wars were carefully orchestrated by the very same alliance - the same can probably be said for the depression which the world is irretrievably sliding into as of now; it is not impractical to suspect that a depression, famines and a collapse of world trade might be used to blackmail countries into becoming a part of an unfairly laid out 'New World Order'. The first world war was a result of British geostrategic policy, as England's King Edward VII created an encircling anti-German alliance in order to wage war. King Edward VII was undoubtedly related to one of the dynasties which the alliance counts within its wings; Indeed, there is a verifiable chart openly available online which shows that as many as twenty five American presidents are related; It is quite probable that the rest are from other dynasties within the alliance. The same dynasty which counts among its modern proteges, the two belligerent Bushes, current Queen Elizabeth II of England, 13th cousin of George Bush the second, Dick Cheney, the 8th cousin of Barrack Obama, who happens to be the 11th cousin of the same Bush; undoubtedly all the virulent seed of several inbreeding oligarchical dynasties which is by now intolerably large and clandestinely rules over the world through its many hidden agents and paid servants, all in the guise of 'free trade' and local hijackings of the much abused concept of 'representative democracy'. In the recent elections won by the alliance's pawn Obama, the chances of presidential candidate Ron Paul, a true American patriot and someone proposing a lowering of taxes, peace and growth, a return to gold backed currency and the abolition of inflation or the legalized counterfeiting going on in the offices of the Federal reserve, the only candidate truly representative of the American people - were drowned out in the din created by the American media, which, far from having the interests of the American people at heart, is a function of the whims of policy dictators on the payroll of the alliance and goes on as usual, absurdly feeding on the crumbs left to them by the greed of the alliance and maintaining the servitude of the American populace, and indeed, of the whole world.
The great depression of the late 20s and 30s was brought about by the avarice wrought by the unremarkable Montagu Norman, then head of the Bank of England. Culling as much economic jargon as possible, I will now attempt to explain the phenomenon such that it is as easy to understand for the layman as possible - although to be frank, there is nothing much to macro economics albeit vocabulary is often abused; parliamentary and abstruse verbiage is often used to deceive and induce boredom while perusing the pseudo science of economics, plausibly in order to safeguard the real mechanisms which work in the interests of the alliance. An act of economic warfare with the wrecker in chief being Montagu Norman and a war surely directed by the same secretive alliance as evidenced by its total and multi faceted involvement in the creation of the federal reserve, the great depression and related events were aimed basically at discretely garnering the riches of the world, especially the massive wealth of the United States, for the few favored by the alliance, while in the process, snatching away wealth from many, many more people; for after all the collective economics of the world is a zero sum game. The alliance agent Montagu Norman, in complicity with his allies chairing the American Federal Reserve (Strong) and other European banks like the Reichsbank (Schacht), used a cunning strategy whereby he utilized the vast trade empire of England and the resulting international nature of the Pound sterling to rally the forces of a phenomenal greed for gold. The Federal Reserve, an organization clandestinely created with an intent most malevolent by the same alliance, was instrumental in Norman's strategy for triggering the great depression. In the first battle of the intentional economic war which led upto the great depression, the British pound was artificially overvalued on the insistence of Norman. This implied that each pound was now worth more dollars than before - the Pound rich imperial oligarchs of Britain, many of whom were undoubtedly scions of the alliance, started buying foreign assets like banks, mines and oilfields at bargain prices, riding on the higher value of the pound and the fact that the number of pounds owned by them did not change (each pound was worth more dollars than before - or any other currency like the mark or franc, for that matter). But this also meant that the financially worse off British exporters, if they really wanted to sell their products, were paid the same number of units of foreign currency, or in effect, less pounds, for their exports to foreign countries; the drop in export value came hand in hand with an inevitable decrease in wages and an increase in unemployment rates among the British proletariat, driving many to poverty, something which Norman and the alliance did not care about, as evidenced by some of his irresponsible comments. In the second battle of the economic war, through the persuasive actions of Norman and the alliance's ascendancy over Fed chairman Strong, the alliance essentially utilized the Federal reserve's money printing powers to convert the U.S economy into a speculative bubble economy. The Federal reserve, an extra constitutional body conceptualized by agents of the alliance and institutionalized by US president Woodrow Wilson, putatively a servant of the American people but practically another pawn of the alliance, was rallied by Montagu Norman to unceasingly counterfeit and print dollars in exchange for US treasury securities through a deceptive, unanswerable and rather undemocratic yet powerful adjunct of the outwardly 'democratically' governed Federal Reserve called the 'Federal Open Market committee' - This subterfuge meant that American banks were now generally flush with the dollars printed over the next many months; the surfeit of dollars was used to feed every demand for money, be it an ill advised business loan, overseas loans to South America, or for example, loans to a bankrupt Germany, which was used in part to pay reparations extracted through the treaty of Versailles, an action which most probably sent back more money to the hands of the alliance. At the same time, unknown to the American proletariat, American wages, which were constant through the period, grew lesser in value because simply stated, the incoming flood of legally counterfeited dollars meant that with every new dollar printed, each dollar was lesser in value than before, and because of this, their savings did not matter much in the light of the hungry years of the planned depression coming ahead. In the third battle of the economic war, the Bank of England's rediscount rate, or the interest like extra money annually given away by a bank to the account holder in return for the money stored in accounts therein, was artificially raised by Norman, again causing great hurt to the British economy, and this was followed soon by higher rediscount rates elsewhere, and this worked to burst the New York Stock exchange bubble the alliance had built up over the years - which had the effect of people pulling out foreign currency from the American stock market and stocking it in the English and other banks with higher rediscount rates. The uselessness of the dollar due to the huge flood of printed dollars was finally realized by the masses - the callousness of a public misled by an alliance owned media in choosing a leader allied more to the alliance than to the people, the hidden internal enemy in the form of the Federal Reserve chosen by this leader and the raw power of influence, power and money over the will of the people thus prevailed in breaking the economic backbone of a country as powerful as America. The constitutional government structure was mauled and customized to the alliance's needs during the economic depression and the post crisis America was hopelessly hijacked by the alliance - subsequent events like the heightened belligerence and more pronounced imperialist policies prove that the post depression America is simply like a zombie animated by the alliance, almost a parody of what their founding fathers intended it to be.
Eventually, due to the interconnected nature of the World economy, and due to a few other of Montagu Norman and the alliance's policies and related events, the details of which we need not bother with and can safely relegate to the dust bin of economic jargon, the pound as an international currency lost the authority which it had previously enjoyed; this was the most important underlying factor in the planet wide renewal of re-armament and the wave of belligerence which was soon to come in the form of World war II. When the pound fell as the international common currency, a series of independent currency blocs emerged, which included the British pound sterling bloc, the US dollar bloc, the gold bloc (which broke up, leaving a franc bloc along with some other shards), the Soviet ruble area and the Japanese yen zone. The currency chaos meant that there was no reliable means of settling commercial payments among these blocs and as a result, world trade momentarily got banished into oblivion. The situation was difficult for everyone, but it was worst for those blocs which had the greatest dependency on exports and on importing oil, metals, rubber, and other strategic raw materials. The pound sterling, dollar, franc and ruble each had some raw materials backing. But the German mark, Japanese yen and Italian lira had virtually none. Consequently, Germany, Italy, and Japan, aggressive territorial expansion towards possible sources of oil and metals became the only available surrogate for foreign trade. The ascendancy of fascism was favored in each case by the penury of world trade, and in each case the British stood ready to promote fascist leaders who would ruthlessly act out this logic, as exemplified by the alliance's role as the premier international patron of Hitler and the Nazis, and as the point man for the pro- Hitler directives which were carried out by, among others, Prescott Bush, the father of George Bush the first - which shows more evidence of the dynastic element at play in the alliance which rules over the planet. Going by the theory that English policy was back then, as American policy is now, dictated by the alliance, World War II was also brought upon by the alliance to the extent that it was encouraged by the alliance's greed as can be seen in the terms of the "Treaty of Versailles" which kept the German people at near starvation level, as most of their production was used to pay war reparation payments to the alliance. The extreme desperation of the German people allowed a demagogue like Hitler and his Nazi Party to obtain power.
To be noted is that when governments or commandeered international agencies like the World bank or the IMF intervene in a country's economy, be it even as mighty as the USA, by either counterfeiting banknotes; regardless of whether it is legalized or not, or by policies like artificially pegging currencies or even strategic manipulations of bank rediscount rates, something which routinely goes on in every country of the World, it can hardly be called 'free trade', let alone 'laissez faire'; The fact is, that since most of these policy makers owe allegiance to the very same alliance which has on its agenda a 'New World Order', the manipulations are directly aimed at usury and the aim is to steal money from the hard working masses. At the same time, there is truth to the fact that the concept of a nation is redundant; what we need is a supranational government - a democracy with locally acting autonomy. A system, most importantly free from the influence of the dynastic alliance. An alternative worldwide Political-economic system needs to be sought out very soon; the decadence in the academic world of the pseudo science of macro economics in the form of the infiltration of agents of the alliance into important academic circles and prestigious universities and the lack of independent minded macro economists not on the alliance's payroll paints a bleak picture indeed, especially since the joke has been going on for centuries and the trust of the unquestioning is what keeps the exploitation going on.

Genocidal and criminal mischief paid for by the people's blood
With the aid of the limitless supply of money at their disposal, the alliance has also been responsible for other crimes related to sponsoring malevolent dictatorial regimes like those of Hitler, Stalin and Mao. A prime reason for such immoral behaviour is the alliance's goal of establishing a one world police state communist government with the proletariat living under the foot of the alliance. Also, war profiteering is historically rampant on part of the alliance, almost all across the world, and they often supplied arms to both sides of the conflict if the result was any of the following - post conflict nations more conducive to swallowing by international communism (like the non Russia states of the erstwhile USSR), an easily exploitable nation, 'open markets', general profits or a loss of financial sovereignity with the establishment of puppet central banks controlled by the alliance. The first Soviet style constitution in the world was set in Mexico when the alliance aided Mexican rebel Villa by supplying arms and ammunition. As noted by Sutton, on January 10, 1916, Villa murdered seventeen American miners at Santa Isabel and on March 9, 1916, Villa raided Columbus, New Mexico, and killed eighteen more Americans, and soon after, his political aide Carranza was helped to power in Mexico and supplied with prodigious quantities of rifles and bullets, something which was impossible without the help of the Wall street financiers and war profiteers representing the alliance. Also, the best-documented example of Wall Street intervention in revolution is the operation of a New York syndicate in the Chinese revolution of 1912, which was led by Sun Yat-sen. Although the final gains of the syndicate remain unclear, the intention and role of the New York financing group are fully documented down to amounts of money, information on affiliated Chinese secret societies, and shipping lists of armaments to be purchased. In return for financial support, Sun Yat-sen promised the Hill syndicate railroad, banking, and commercial concessions in the new revolutionary China. The work of the 1910 Hill syndicate in China is recorded in the Laurence Boothe Papers at the Hoover Institution.
In the first phase of their early twentieth century game plan of creating a New World Order, a plan botched up because of unforseeable events and local nationalistic tendencies in the victim countries of Germany and Russia, a George Orwell's 1984 like regime with the alliance at a seat of power shared with a few Quisling like collaborators who claimed to represent the people was planned to be set up under the farcical facade of international communism. The Rothschild dynasty and their allies hired Leon Trotsky, an 'international communist', and animated the instrument to start a 'people's revolution'. Unfortunately for the alliance, nationalist communists like Lenin and his associates sprang up and time was wasted while Trotsky schemed to assassinate Lenin. During World war 1, Lenin overruled Trotsky and made peace with Germany at the treaty of Brest, ruining the alliance's plan of carrying out a socialist experiment at the expense of the proletariat. World War One was supposed to end the way the Second World War did; an infected Russia was supposed to overrun Germany in 1918 and assist 'revolutionaries' in establishing a 'peoples' republic' as a first step towards the alliance's perennial agenda of establishing a 'New World Order' and achieving worldwide domination. After an unsuccessful attempt on Lenin's life, when Lenin had a stroke in 1922, Trotsky's forces moved in for the kill and assassinated Lenin. At this critical moment, the unexpected happened - Trotsky got sick and Stalin usurped power in an unstable Russia. In order to control Stalin, the alliance of international bankers and oligarchs switched to damage control mode and were forced to take steps towards utilizing their own independent corporation of London's stranglehold on international finance to commandeer their agent Montagu Norman to adapt policies very detrimental to the English proletariat and world trade in general, to ensure the advent of the Great depression, thus bringing about a breakdown of world commerce in order to fan nationalistic flames. Therefore, through a series of vain and complex political maneuvers, the alliance sowed the seeds of another monster - Hitler and the fascist Nazis, to counter the monster they themselves had created, Stalin.
Using the strength of raw power, influence and money in a venal world, the alliance tore down the fragile Weimar republic and funded Hitler's S.S and S.A hooligans through credit, the availability of which their agents Warburg and Schacht of the Reichbank ensured. Due to the ideological bankruptcy of the fascist regime and the relative ideological superiority of the ordinary German, Hitler and the NASDAP's rise could have been impossible without astronomical funding; indeed, another agent of the alliance, Prescott Bush - the father of George Bush the first, was actively involved as a director of several companies owned by German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, who routinely bailed out the Nazi party in their early days as street scalawags. Grandfather Bush was an early president of the anti proletariat and anti consumer rights 'National Association of Manufacturers' where he propagated the truly industrious concept of twelve hour - seven days work weeks, apart from engaging in other rather detestable pranks in his youth, pranks like digging up the legendary red Indian freedom fighter Geronimo's skull and conducting fascist white supremacist rituals under the banner of a Yale university adolescent's club called the Skull and bones. Showcasing the alliance's truly dynastic nature is the fact that Harriman, from the Harriman dynasty of railroad builders, owned the Union Bank which was primarily Thyssen's overseas safe. Further up the hallowed ladders of the Bush dynasty sits George Herbert Walker, the father of Prescott Bush whose allies, collaborators, and 'business partners' included John D. Rockefeller (founder of the oil sweat shop Exxon under the name of Standard Oil of New Jersey), E.H. Harriman (owned railroads) and William Rockefeller (financed Harriman's railroad through Rockefeller's 'Citibank' predecessor). Walker is the archetype of the Wall Street War Profiteer, with his office headquarters none other than 1, Wall Street.
Unfortunately for the alliance, the power of money and influence can only go a finite distance in the multivariate function that is the world; Hitler himself proved to be too volatile to be effectively used as a tool as he started printing his own money and the alliance given in to the banal love of usury started worrying about all the wasted interest on debt which they could have extracted from the German proletariat with the aid of a puppet government; Indeed, Hitler went on to become a bigger threat than Stalin himself. Anyway, what was done was done; this frivolous whim of funding the NASDAP directly resulted in permanently undermining the freedom of the people of Germany.


Blogger wicker said...

halo. Classic! Book II to be read.

Dark. Very dark.
Darker still - very true.

1:10 AM  
Blogger "Terran Intelligence" by timetin said...

\||/>___ ("_")

the book's almost over, far more advanced, and indeed shocking, and much beyond draft; with the Lulu/Amazon combo, things are far easier now


8:55 PM  

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