attack of the Kapitalist clone army
They are everywhere. Most of them are intrinsically the same. Gives me a migraine headache... Thinking down to their level. Meet the hurriedly polished 'successful' corporate Employee.
The corporate employee, while passing off at the first glance as a hallmark - maybe even the accepted benchmark if not the epitome, of originality and artistic flair, is usually a hollow counterfeit low life who's been running the rat race hard enough to consider subservience and slavery as fair and noble concepts and befitting their role in the joke which is modern urban society. A look into their lives would reveal very general 'pick me up at the Kwiky mart'' hobbies of 'watching movies, reading books, and listening to music'
That gets me angrier than you might expect...
Their standard rules of business engagement -
1) Decorate sentences at the start with an 'essentially' or something more flabbergasting if you may, instead of the meager and cliched 'basically', a word best left to n00bs. Apart from inflating the sentence by 3 more letters(ah check out the sophistication and the finesse), this also has the perk of furtherance of the parallel race of mongoloid retards
2) Frown upon creativity and talent in a manner conspicuous enough to kill motivation. Chastise the traits as a cheap and easy route to avoid years of hard work, which is, according to these inglorious yuppies, the holy grail of human civilization - what is that you said, 25,000 kids die today, the world's temperature higher by another 5 or so degrees, ice caps gone, forests gone, the seas and rivers are a mess and now we have to buy 'coca cola's pure capitalist mineral water' for safe drinking water - lions, tigers, cheetahs all soon to go? forsooth! the human civilization is glorious indeed - par words. losferwords! perform don't compete? FUCK you all... bring on the new clear holocaust!
3) Stubbornly & dogmatically stick to, and increase the extent of office bureaucracy - and make the many years of experience count - That's one of the few areas where we've got a head start on someone younger and brighter. Make sure you severely reprimand the new hires on the same to let them know who's boss.
Ever thought who made pop popular? I suspect twas them. The kind who listen to music not for its substance but to elevate themselves to the minimum cool standards expected outta those who harbor and even callously boast of, hobbies of 'watching movies, reading books, and listening to music', ensuring by keeping the art in their lives to the optimal, commercially logical and time wise, economically feasible hip - whatever that means; and obviously distasteful minimal - something best ignored by the ilk of 1337s.
An early life dedicated to agglomerating grandiose and reputation (by the way that's the way the fountainhead's Peter Keating does all the time - the polar opposite of Howard Roark who does not care about his image as experienced by Society.) Which brings us to the 4th point, that of reputation.
4. They breed in reputation and they live off it. A firm like blah and blah, to whom corporate short sighted managerial buffoons (like for example, say Sony or GE - just as a probable example - ain't exactly indicting them of being buffoons although they probably are, but these arguments are beyond the scope of this blog) suck up to for they've got what Sony does not - 65 years experience in shite like say PR consulting, HR consulting or whatever - & not to undermine the importance and impact of, A GOOD LOOKING NAME.
Hill and Knowlton.
Drexel Burnham Lambert
Give em enuff latin names to decieve them into leaving out due diligence, however bad that phrase makes me revile being a human being ... is this it ?
Bear stearns
Morgan Stanley
Goldman sachs
Standard & Poor
yeah yeah let em low lives ring in the coffers until our grand scam's finally exposed and by that time an island in hawaii awaits.
You name it, they've got it. The farkin formula.
The post service invoice probably dented Sony or GE's funds but thats ok as they're big buffoons with deep seated nerves - and anyway the shaft which has been clandestinely shafted upon the headless corporate abominably greedy behemoth is one cumulatively BIG shaft shared by the several small spear carrier employees and who cares about the proletariat anyway - that's so passe.
Think it's ok to be in that base of greediness and dastardly consumeristfetishes because well.. everyone else is doing it and so it's gotta be right.
The same way some religious prophet from the gutter in your street and his ...his incoherent drivel - has gotta be right.
Right children. Enough, enough of shite. Go get your MBA degree! Race running ratts... nuke em all - and I don't care if I die among them - at least the greater good shall be served.
They are everywhere. Most of them are intrinsically the same. Gives me a migraine headache... Thinking down to their level. Meet the hurriedly polished 'successful' corporate Employee.
The corporate employee, while passing off at the first glance as a hallmark - maybe even the accepted benchmark if not the epitome, of originality and artistic flair, is usually a hollow counterfeit low life who's been running the rat race hard enough to consider subservience and slavery as fair and noble concepts and befitting their role in the joke which is modern urban society. A look into their lives would reveal very general 'pick me up at the Kwiky mart'' hobbies of 'watching movies, reading books, and listening to music'
That gets me angrier than you might expect...
Their standard rules of business engagement -
1) Decorate sentences at the start with an 'essentially' or something more flabbergasting if you may, instead of the meager and cliched 'basically', a word best left to n00bs. Apart from inflating the sentence by 3 more letters(ah check out the sophistication and the finesse), this also has the perk of furtherance of the parallel race of mongoloid retards
2) Frown upon creativity and talent in a manner conspicuous enough to kill motivation. Chastise the traits as a cheap and easy route to avoid years of hard work, which is, according to these inglorious yuppies, the holy grail of human civilization - what is that you said, 25,000 kids die today, the world's temperature higher by another 5 or so degrees, ice caps gone, forests gone, the seas and rivers are a mess and now we have to buy 'coca cola's pure capitalist mineral water' for safe drinking water - lions, tigers, cheetahs all soon to go? forsooth! the human civilization is glorious indeed - par words. losferwords! perform don't compete? FUCK you all... bring on the new clear holocaust!
3) Stubbornly & dogmatically stick to, and increase the extent of office bureaucracy - and make the many years of experience count - That's one of the few areas where we've got a head start on someone younger and brighter. Make sure you severely reprimand the new hires on the same to let them know who's boss.
Ever thought who made pop popular? I suspect twas them. The kind who listen to music not for its substance but to elevate themselves to the minimum cool standards expected outta those who harbor and even callously boast of, hobbies of 'watching movies, reading books, and listening to music', ensuring by keeping the art in their lives to the optimal, commercially logical and time wise, economically feasible hip - whatever that means; and obviously distasteful minimal - something best ignored by the ilk of 1337s.
An early life dedicated to agglomerating grandiose and reputation (by the way that's the way the fountainhead's Peter Keating does all the time - the polar opposite of Howard Roark who does not care about his image as experienced by Society.) Which brings us to the 4th point, that of reputation.
4. They breed in reputation and they live off it. A firm like blah and blah, to whom corporate short sighted managerial buffoons (like for example, say Sony or GE - just as a probable example - ain't exactly indicting them of being buffoons although they probably are, but these arguments are beyond the scope of this blog) suck up to for they've got what Sony does not - 65 years experience in shite like say PR consulting, HR consulting or whatever - & not to undermine the importance and impact of, A GOOD LOOKING NAME.
Hill and Knowlton.
Drexel Burnham Lambert
Give em enuff latin names to decieve them into leaving out due diligence, however bad that phrase makes me revile being a human being ... is this it ?
Bear stearns
Morgan Stanley
Goldman sachs
Standard & Poor
yeah yeah let em low lives ring in the coffers until our grand scam's finally exposed and by that time an island in hawaii awaits.
You name it, they've got it. The farkin formula.
The post service invoice probably dented Sony or GE's funds but thats ok as they're big buffoons with deep seated nerves - and anyway the shaft which has been clandestinely shafted upon the headless corporate abominably greedy behemoth is one cumulatively BIG shaft shared by the several small spear carrier employees and who cares about the proletariat anyway - that's so passe.
Think it's ok to be in that base of greediness and dastardly consumeristfetishes because well.. everyone else is doing it and so it's gotta be right.
The same way some religious prophet from the gutter in your street and his ...his incoherent drivel - has gotta be right.
Right children. Enough, enough of shite. Go get your MBA degree! Race running ratts... nuke em all - and I don't care if I die among them - at least the greater good shall be served.