The failure of Capitalism and the rise of the new world order
Finally did what I always wanted to and what I was almost about to for the last one year
... I quit my fuckin job coz I hated it! Now I won't name my company and thus incriminate them in the blogosphere as those guys were the 1st Company I worked with, and it wasn't their fault, just that the kinda work stank of old and yellowed dollars which passed through as many hands as the milligrams of Cocaine which passed through them.
But yeah, the rebel that I am, I took a break from the corporate rat race to recharge my soul batteries as after all, I had sold my soul to the soul collector back in my Firm, as every other yuppie proudly does, without batting an eyelid, day after day, every working day of every week - I don't know about the rest but I never cared for money - I reject capitalism, so it might as well be looked upon as bonded labor, what I was engaged in for an year from the prime of my youth at the age of 22!
How do they manage to buy into the capitalist farce is what I ain't wise enough to understand yet, half of those white collar jobs are such charades that the employees manage to pull off a parody of themselves without a hitch everyday and they blink as if nothing happened.
Glued in front of a computer screen, their lives go waste as they have not the life left in their eyes to come back home each day and play the latest games, as I ideally would have and am doing now that I shed the albatross. They have all the money but they've saved it up almost as if they need their offspring, dependents and relatives, distant and close, to remember and recall their great souls, owing to the quality of the scrumptious rotten food served up at their post termination celebrations.
A spoof of itself is what capitalism has managed to become : - I agree that communism isn't right but neither is this. I'd reckon anarchy is.
First of all, the chances to hit it big with capitalism which everyone are handed when they start off aren't equal and that's reason enough for the so called 'successful' - the fastest rats who survived and persevered to not rest on the backs of the innocent with glee. Therefore, Education should be communist.
Secondly, it's kinda contrary, except when it comes to entrepreneurship, which is the one good thing about capitalism but that's hardly a factor as it's such a rare thing to see, the masses are shafted is what I'm getting at. Young graduates start as the rats at the bottom of the ladder and chew their way up. It's funny how humans go about and in fact, even seem to enjoy living their best years - the prime of their youth under the misery of a mad manager's boot, as illustrated in Dilbert. Back in the old times they had war which is not good, don't get me wrong, but hey, this ain't either.
War was a conspiracy by the old against the young and so is this, which is - not as much as war, but still, wrong; just because they were born before us they're holding on to our necks, and not letting go, it's fuckin slavery, can't anyone see that ? How they manage to sway, like rats... sorry, Cobras to the tunes of the ol' village snake charmers.
We wanna walk the earth free not work in some bright offices... So, they stashed away all the land for themselves eh?
And as for your salesmen shoving the ubiquitous gleaming and polished capitalist products down my neck... Someone once said, use what man makes, but don't appreciate it... as it's bound to be superseded by something better. Especially how it lies with electronic products as of now. The way they come up with the next generation of gimcracks in the name of capitalist competition and a phony, unfair and immoral kind of survival of the fittest, - shafting the buyers of the iphone V1 as guinea pigs ... and if your argument is that the real pros are gonna buy v2, hey, what's gonna happen to all the older generations? End up at some rundown dilapidated land fill I suppose. With all the CRT monitors and the other ghosts of capitalism. Good for the high EQ headache racked deep pocketed screamers with ties and management diplomas, it's not them who're shafted but Gaia after all, their pockets just keep sinking with the weight of the money.
A failure... As a certain James Hetfield said, Blackened is the end. See your mother, put to death... see your mother die.
Humans after all, happen to be the kind of rats who'd rather increase the uppers and decrease the lowers of their profit margins than see any f'n gaia cared for... Sad for the losers, the ancient dwellers of the great pacific garbage patch that the Priorities and loyalties in a fast world happen to lie with the ugly piece of paper with an uglier caricature of a power hungry head rat usually inscribed in it than their Earthy mother.... what a charade.
Junk this shite... Better turn toward a new World order quick. Usher in a post globalist future through what may be called an awakening, modeled after the renaissances and the enlightenment.
Inventions and advancements for mankind will come, you don't have to run rat races for that, case in point, what have the major auto firms done in the last 50 years but waste many an ego, boost somewhat fewer egos, ruin much metal and manpower and corrupt many a bright scientific mind with easy money, thus clogging thought and rendering reason irrational?
The ungracefulness of their factory robots is striking and conspicuous enought to make your guts complain out loud.
Time to let go, breathe easy - paint and sing, write, probably, vacation, smoke a joint or two, free your mind of the six sigma capitalist junk and your net worth ratings, the Forbes lists cranked out by none other than the friends of the hidden perpetrators behind the capitalist conspiracy, and equity distributions to let any good thoughts come in, maybe some which finally crack how to go faster than the speed of light so that I can escape this defiled shit hole once and for all.
If you ain't any good at all that, Join and at least make it count...
You ain't doing any service to mankind by siphoning off the oil, cranking out the waste and turning the capitalist wheel. I'll be back with a more ordered critique of capitalism someday. Just a point for now, that capitalism is not responsible for any kind of scientific of human advancements. Universities and research bodies like that SINTEC and probably CERN are. So just do what you should and junk capitalism... Do you really need those gimcracks to make a person out of you?
... I quit my fuckin job coz I hated it! Now I won't name my company and thus incriminate them in the blogosphere as those guys were the 1st Company I worked with, and it wasn't their fault, just that the kinda work stank of old and yellowed dollars which passed through as many hands as the milligrams of Cocaine which passed through them.
But yeah, the rebel that I am, I took a break from the corporate rat race to recharge my soul batteries as after all, I had sold my soul to the soul collector back in my Firm, as every other yuppie proudly does, without batting an eyelid, day after day, every working day of every week - I don't know about the rest but I never cared for money - I reject capitalism, so it might as well be looked upon as bonded labor, what I was engaged in for an year from the prime of my youth at the age of 22!
How do they manage to buy into the capitalist farce is what I ain't wise enough to understand yet, half of those white collar jobs are such charades that the employees manage to pull off a parody of themselves without a hitch everyday and they blink as if nothing happened.
Glued in front of a computer screen, their lives go waste as they have not the life left in their eyes to come back home each day and play the latest games, as I ideally would have and am doing now that I shed the albatross. They have all the money but they've saved it up almost as if they need their offspring, dependents and relatives, distant and close, to remember and recall their great souls, owing to the quality of the scrumptious rotten food served up at their post termination celebrations.
A spoof of itself is what capitalism has managed to become : - I agree that communism isn't right but neither is this. I'd reckon anarchy is.
First of all, the chances to hit it big with capitalism which everyone are handed when they start off aren't equal and that's reason enough for the so called 'successful' - the fastest rats who survived and persevered to not rest on the backs of the innocent with glee. Therefore, Education should be communist.
Secondly, it's kinda contrary, except when it comes to entrepreneurship, which is the one good thing about capitalism but that's hardly a factor as it's such a rare thing to see, the masses are shafted is what I'm getting at. Young graduates start as the rats at the bottom of the ladder and chew their way up. It's funny how humans go about and in fact, even seem to enjoy living their best years - the prime of their youth under the misery of a mad manager's boot, as illustrated in Dilbert. Back in the old times they had war which is not good, don't get me wrong, but hey, this ain't either.
War was a conspiracy by the old against the young and so is this, which is - not as much as war, but still, wrong; just because they were born before us they're holding on to our necks, and not letting go, it's fuckin slavery, can't anyone see that ? How they manage to sway, like rats... sorry, Cobras to the tunes of the ol' village snake charmers.
We wanna walk the earth free not work in some bright offices... So, they stashed away all the land for themselves eh?
And as for your salesmen shoving the ubiquitous gleaming and polished capitalist products down my neck... Someone once said, use what man makes, but don't appreciate it... as it's bound to be superseded by something better. Especially how it lies with electronic products as of now. The way they come up with the next generation of gimcracks in the name of capitalist competition and a phony, unfair and immoral kind of survival of the fittest, - shafting the buyers of the iphone V1 as guinea pigs ... and if your argument is that the real pros are gonna buy v2, hey, what's gonna happen to all the older generations? End up at some rundown dilapidated land fill I suppose. With all the CRT monitors and the other ghosts of capitalism. Good for the high EQ headache racked deep pocketed screamers with ties and management diplomas, it's not them who're shafted but Gaia after all, their pockets just keep sinking with the weight of the money.
A failure... As a certain James Hetfield said, Blackened is the end. See your mother, put to death... see your mother die.
Humans after all, happen to be the kind of rats who'd rather increase the uppers and decrease the lowers of their profit margins than see any f'n gaia cared for... Sad for the losers, the ancient dwellers of the great pacific garbage patch that the Priorities and loyalties in a fast world happen to lie with the ugly piece of paper with an uglier caricature of a power hungry head rat usually inscribed in it than their Earthy mother.... what a charade.
Junk this shite... Better turn toward a new World order quick. Usher in a post globalist future through what may be called an awakening, modeled after the renaissances and the enlightenment.
Inventions and advancements for mankind will come, you don't have to run rat races for that, case in point, what have the major auto firms done in the last 50 years but waste many an ego, boost somewhat fewer egos, ruin much metal and manpower and corrupt many a bright scientific mind with easy money, thus clogging thought and rendering reason irrational?
The ungracefulness of their factory robots is striking and conspicuous enought to make your guts complain out loud.
Time to let go, breathe easy - paint and sing, write, probably, vacation, smoke a joint or two, free your mind of the six sigma capitalist junk and your net worth ratings, the Forbes lists cranked out by none other than the friends of the hidden perpetrators behind the capitalist conspiracy, and equity distributions to let any good thoughts come in, maybe some which finally crack how to go faster than the speed of light so that I can escape this defiled shit hole once and for all.
If you ain't any good at all that, Join and at least make it count...
You ain't doing any service to mankind by siphoning off the oil, cranking out the waste and turning the capitalist wheel. I'll be back with a more ordered critique of capitalism someday. Just a point for now, that capitalism is not responsible for any kind of scientific of human advancements. Universities and research bodies like that SINTEC and probably CERN are. So just do what you should and junk capitalism... Do you really need those gimcracks to make a person out of you?